Using the DTS REST API
Action | Query |
Description, parameters, return value, error conditions and other information | |
Verb | POST |
Is secured? | No |
Path | /perc-metadata-services/metadata/get |
Parameter (JSON example) | { "criteria":[ "type = 'page'", "dcterms:source like 'Test%'" ], "orderBy":"dcterms:source desc", "startIndex":0, "maxResults":2 } |
Returned data (JSON example) | [ { "site":"TestSite", "pagepath":"/TestSiteapps/ROOT/index", "linktext":"Home", "folder":"/", "name":"index", "properties":{ "dcterms:source":"TestSite", "dcterms:title":"Home", "dcterms:created":"2011-06-09T14:59:57" }, "type":"page" }, { "site":"TestSite", "pagepath":"/TestSiteapps/ROOT/copy", "linktext":"Home 2", "folder":"/", "name":"copy", "properties":{ "dcterms:source":"TestSite 2", "dcterms:created":"2011-06-13T18:59:57", "dcterms:title":"Home" }, "type":"page" } ] |
Action | Tags query |
Description, parameters, return value, error conditions and other information | |
Verb | POST |
Is secured? | No |
Path | /perc-metadata-services/metadata/tags/get&sortTagsBy=count |
Parameter (JSON example) | For the “sortTagsBy” query param, see javadoc documentation. The JSON query criteria in the body is the same as the “Query” action. |
Returned data (JSON example) | { "properties":[ { "tagCount":2, "tagName":"anothertag" }, { "tagCount":2, "tagName":"bar" }, { "tagCount":1, "tagName":"differenttag" }, { "tagCount":1, "tagName":"foo" } ] } |
Action | Categories query |
Description, parameters, return value, error conditions and other information | |
Verb | POST |
Is secured? | No |
Path | /perc-metadata-services/metadata/categories/get |
Parameter (JSON example) | The JSON query criteria in the body is the same as the “Query” action. |
Returned data (JSON example) | [ { "category":"root", "count":{ "second":6, "first":0 }, "children":[ { "category":"Vegetables", "count":{ "second":3, "first":1 }, "children":[ { "category":"Other", "count":{ "second":1, "first":2 }, "children":[ { "category":"Another", "count":{ "second":0, "first":1 }, "children":[
] } ] } ] }, { "category":"Fruits", "count":{ "second":1, "first":1 }, "children":[ { "category":"Apples", "count":{ "second":0, "first":1 }, "children":[
] } ] } ] } ] |
Action | Save metadata entries (pages) |
Description, parameters, return value, error conditions and other information | |
Verb | POST |
Is secured? | Yes (SSL and HTTP Basic Authentication) |
Path | /perc-metadata-services/metadata |
Parameter (JSON example) | { "entries":[ { "pagepath":"/site1/folder/page", "name":"page", "folder":"/folder", "linktext":"linktext value", "type":"page", "site":"site1", "properties":[ { "valuetype":"STRING", "name":"dcterms:source", "stringvalue":"site1" }, { "valuetype":"STRING", "name":"dcterms:title", "stringvalue":"page title" } ] }, { "pagepath":"/site2/folder2/page2", "name":"page2", "folder":"/folder2", "linktext":"linktext value", "type":"page", "site":"site2" } ] } |
Returned data (JSON example) | No data is returned (HTTP 204). |
Action | Delete metadata entries (pages) |
Description, parameters, return value, error conditions and other information | |
Verb | POST |
Is secured? | Yes (SSL and HTTP Basic Authentication) |
Path | /perc-metadata-services/metadata/delete |
Parameter (JSON example) | [ "/TestSiteapps/ROOT/index", "/site1/folder/page" ] |
Returned data (JSON example) | No data is returned (HTTP 204). |
Action | Clean folder indexes |
Description, parameters, return value, error conditions and other information | |
Verb | POST |
Is secured? | Yes (SSL and HTTP Basic Authentication) |
Path | /perc-metadata-services/metadata/clean |
Parameter (JSON example) | /TestSiteapps/ROOT |
Returned data (JSON example) | No data is returned (HTTP 204). |
Action | Get all indexed directories |
Description, parameters, return value, error conditions and other information | |
Verb | GET |
Is secured? | No |
Path | /perc-metadata-services/metadata/indexedDirectories |
Parameter (JSON example) |
Returned data (JSON example) | [ "/TestSiteapps/ROOT/rx_resources", "/site2/folder2" ] |
Action | Add a form |
Description, parameters, return value, error conditions and other information | Saves a new form. It consumes data from a submitted HTML form: “application/x-www-form-urlencoded” |
Verb | POST |
Is secured? | No |
Path | /perc-form-processor/form/ |
Returned data | This method always returns an HTTP 200 as after submitting the form, it redirects to the success page. If there was an error, it redirects to the error page. For instance, after a succesful submission, this is the redirect URL for the default success page: http://generic:9980/perc-form-processor/success.html |
Method in REST Service | create |
Action | Delete form |
Verb | DELETE |
Is secured? | Yes |
Path | /perc-form-processor/form/{formName} |
Parameter (URL example) | http://localhost:9980/perc-form-processor/form/FormTest |
Returned data (description) | HTTP 204 (No content) |
Method in REST Service | delete |
Action | Get forms |
Verb | GET |
Is secured? | Yes |
Path | /perc-form-processor/form/ |
Returned data (JSON example) | {"formsInfo": [ {"totalForms":1,"exportedForms":0,"name":"FormRedirect"}, {"totalForms":2,"exportedForms":0,"name":"FormTest"} ] } |
Method in REST Service | get |
Action | Get form by name |
Verb | GET |
Is secured? | Yes |
Path | /perc-form-processor/form/{formName} |
Returned data (JSON example) | {"formsInfo": [ {"totalForms":2,"exportedForms":0,"name":"FormTest"} ] } |
Method in REST Service | get |
Action | Export form to CSV file |
Verb | GET |
Description, parameters, return value, error conditions and other information | * See javadoc for more information of parameters supported |
Is secured? | Yes |
Path | /perc-form-processor/form/{formName}/{csvFile} |
Returned data (CSV example) | Form name,Create date,Entry-field-label,Select-your-level FormTest,2011-08-15 15:36:31.65,Default text can be added to any text box.,Medium FormTest,2011-08-15 15:36:35.056,Default text can be added to any text box.,Low
Method in REST Service | export |
Action | Query |
Description, parameters, return value, error conditions and other information | |
Verb | POST |
Is secured? | No |
Path | /perc-comments-services/comment |
Parameter (JSON example) | { "pagepath" : "/site/page/path", "username" : "milton", "tag" : "foo", "sort" : { "sortby" : "USERNAME", "ascending" : true }, "state" : "APPROVED", "site" : "SiteName", "moderated" : false, "viewed" : true, "maxResults" : 5, "startIndex" : 2, "lastCommentId" : 23 } |
Returned data (JSON example) | { "comments":[ { "username":"miltondp2", "url":"", "tags":[
], "site":"TestSite", "pagePath":"/Comments", "approvalState":"APPROVED", "viewed":false, "moderated":false, "email":"", "createdDate":"2011-06-09T15:51:31-0430", "parent":0, "id":2, "title":"Title of comment 2", "text":"Second one" }, { "username":"miltondp", "url":"", "tags":[
], "site":"TestSite", "pagePath":"/Comments", "approvalState":"APPROVED", "viewed":false, "moderated":false, "email":"", "createdDate":"2011-06-09T15:51:14-0430", "parent":0, "id":1, "title":"Title of comment 1", "text":"This is my first comment." } ] } |
Action | Query as moderator |
Verb | POST |
Is secured? | No |
Path | /perc-comments-services/comment/asmoderator |
Parameter (JSON example) | See “Query” action |
Returned data (JSON example) | See “Query” action |
Method in REST Service | getCommentsAsModerator |
Action | Query (JSONP) |
Verb | GET |
Is secured? | No |
Path | /perc-comments-services/comment/jsonp |
Parameter (URL example) | /perc-comments-services/comment/jsonp?pagepath=/site/path/page&site=site&callback=myfunc
* see javadoc for more information of parameters supported |
Returned data (description) | The returned value wraps the list of comments in a function specified by “callback”. |
Method in REST Service | getCommentsP |
Action | Get pages with comments |
Verb | GET |
Is secured? | No |
Path | /perc-comments-services/comment/pageswithcomments/{site} |
Parameter (JSON example) |
Returned data (JSON example) | { "summaries":[ { "pagePath":"/Comments", "commentCount":2, "approvedCount":2, "newCommentCount":2 } ] } |
Method in REST Service | getPagesWithComments |
Action | Add comment |
Verb | POST |
Is secured? | No |
Path | /perc-comments-services/comment |
Parameter (JSON example) | * see javadoc for more information of parameters supported |
Returned data (description) | This method always returns an HTTP 303 (See other) status code. The redirected URL lool like this:
http://host:9980/Comments?lastCommentId=3 “lastCommentId” contains the id of the recently added comment. |
Method in REST Service | addComment |
Action | Delete comment |
Verb | PUT |
Is secured? | Yes |
Path | /perc-comments-services/comment/moderation/delete |
Parameter (JSON example) | { "comments" : [ 12, 34, 7 ] } |
Returned data (description) | HTTP 204 (No content) |
Method in REST Service | delete |
Action | Approve comment |
Verb | PUT |
Is secured? | Yes |
Path | /perc-comments-services/comment/moderation/approve |
Parameter (JSON example) | { "comments" : [ 12, 34, 7 ] } |
Returned data (JSON example) | HTTP 204 (No content) |
Method in REST Service | approve |
Action | Reject comment |
Verb | PUT |
Is secured? | Yes |
Path | /perc-comments-services/comment/moderation/reject |
Parameter (JSON example) | { "comments" : [ 12, 34, 7 ] } |
Returned data (JSON example) | HTTP 204 (No content) |
Method in REST Service | reject |
Action | Set default moderation state |
Verb | PUT |
Is secured? | Yes |
Path | /perc-comments-services/comment/moderation/defaultModerationState |
Parameter (JSON example) | { "defaultModerationState":{ "site":"TestSite", "state":"APPROVED" } } |
Returned data (JSON example) | HTTP 204 (No content) |
Method in REST Service | setDefaultModerationState |
Action | Get default moderation state |
Verb | GET |
Is secured? | No |
Path | /perc-comments-services/comment/defaultModerationState/{site} |
Parameter (JSON example) |
Returned data (JSON example) |
Method in REST Service | getDefaultModerationState |