CM1 5.3 SR1 2019_0220_2 Patch

Patch ID - 5315_20190220_2

This is a cumulative/rollup patch for CM1 5.3 SR1 that includes defect corrections. This patch includes an uninstall option to support rollback in the event the patch introduces a problem or issue. The patch can be downloaded from the Support portal. For instructions on installing or uninstalling the patch, please review the Readme file provided in the patch folder.

An updated list of Known Issues can be found at the bottom of this page.

For details on bug fixes and improvements in previous patch updates, please see the release notes for prior patches.  Links to prior patch release notes are provided below:

Installation Notes & Common Issues

Database Updates

Beginning with Patch 5315_20191221 the update engine now supports database schema updates as part of the update process.  As a result the patch relies on the installer database configuration file to successfully run.  In environments where the database setup has changed, or a server / RDBMS migration has occurred, it is possible that the installation database configuration file may be out of date which would cause the patch to fail.  To avoid this problem, prior to installing the Patch verify that the contents of the <InstallDir>/rxconfig/Installer/ file are correct.  Updating this file is covered in the Appendix A section of the Migrating Percussion Environments help page. 

Common Issues / Workarounds

Updates can occasionally Fail to apply for a variety of reasons.  To help stream line troubleshooting, we have created a new Common Issues / Workarounds page to collect the steps to correct these issues if you run into them when patching.  As always if you run into a problem applying a patch, please contact the Technical Support team at, and they will be happy to assist.

Issues addressed in this patch:

[CMS-4372] - Rich Text editor native spell checker stopped working after recent patches

An issue was reported where after recent patches, the native browser spell check feature stopped working in the Rich Text Editor and other editor components.  This was the result of a missing default to turn on the native browser spell check feature by default.  This issue is corrected by this patch. 

[CMS-1026] - DTS support for mime types for files with no extension

An issue was corrected in the default DTS configuration so that the DTS correctly handles files with no file extension when the DTS is used as the Web Server, this is known as the Percussion Web Server deployment. After applying the patch, Customers with this configuration that have their published web.xml files marked read only will need to update the web.xml for the published sites to include the following:



After saving the web.xml file and restarting the DTS instance, files with no extension will be served as text/html by default. 

[CMS-3979] - JavaScript Lists with format strings don't handle SimpleDateFormat escape characters properly

A defect was corrected in the moment.js library used by several of the list widgets such as Blog List or page auto lists, where literal text in a date format such as: 

EEE MMM d, yyyy 'at' hh:mm a

Would be rendered incorrectly as: 

Fri Jul 6, 2018 'pmt' 04:06 pm

After applying the patch and running an Incremental or Full publish, affected lists will now render correctly as:

Fri Jul 6, 2018 at 04:06 pm

[CMS-4411] - checkConnection for S/FTP/S delivery handlers is hardcoded to 5000ms

A defect was corrected where setting the timeout property in the AppServer/server/rx/deploy/rxapp.ear/rxapp.war/WEB-INF/user/config/spring/publisher-beans.xml file for FTP or SFTP delivery handlers would not correctly set the connection timeout.  This could cause publishing connection issues in environments with slow FTP or SFTP servers.  The problem has been corrected in the patch and the default timeout has been updated to 10,000ms from 5000ms if the timeout property is not set. After applying the patch you may set the timeout for the following FTP publishing types:

<bean id="sys_ftp"
<!-- Properties that can be set here:
(defaults to -1 as not defined.
It is the socket timeout in milliseconds for both when opening a
socket and a currently open connection).
(defaults to false.
Determines if using passive or active mode for the FTP client.
Defaults to use active mode. If using passive mode is on, then it
will also disable the remote verification
<property name="usePassiveMode" value="true" />
<property name="timeout" value="10000" />

<bean id="sys_ftp_default"
<!-- Properties that can be set here:
(defaults to -1 as not defined.
It is the socket timeout in milliseconds for both when opening a
socket and a currently open connection).
(defaults to false.
Determines if using passive or active mode for the FTP client.
Defaults to use active mode. If using passive mode is on, then it
will also disable the remote verification
<property name="usePassiveMode" value="true" />
<property name="timeout" value="10000" />

[CMS-5424] - Site Improve gadget settings doesn't save for new activations

A defect was corrected where new activations of the Siteimprove integration would not save correctly, blocking activation of the Siteimprove CMS plugin.  This defect has been corrected in this patch. 

[CMS-5426] - CM1 and DTS java options needs a flag for them to preferIP4

A networking issue was discovered where on a server with both TCP/IP version 6 and TCP/IP version 4 activated, certain DTS and CM1 features that make internal requests (such as the RSS feed service) would fail to function if IPV 6 was the 1st protocol enabled on the network adaptor.  A new server flag was set on the PercussionServer.lax file and the TomcatStartup files to tell java to prefer TCP/IP 4 to correct this problem.  This flag is automatically set upon patch installation. 

[CMS-5476] - Published Page Not Indexed by DTS Metadata Service when it has an invalid document type declaration

An issue was discovered where it was possible for a Page with an invalid document type to be published successfully but fail to be indexed by the DTS metadata service.  An update was made to log an error to the server.log when this situation is encountered and to automatically set the missing dcterms:type property to "page" when the type is detected as missing.  This will ensure that Pages with bad document types are still indexed by the DTS and show up as expected in Page Auto Lists or other lists that use the Metadata service on the published website.  

[CMS-5485] - Delays in successfully published objects being available on S3 publishing targets

An eventual data consistency problem was reported with Amazon S3 website publishing where On Demand or Single Page publishes would sometimes result in extended delays in linked assets like images showing up as broken links.  The broken link could last for anywhere from a few seconds to 20 minutes in some cases, even though the Image assets and Page were successfully published in the Percussion publishing logs.  To mitigate this problem the ordering of publishing was changed for On Demand publishes such that Assets are always delivered before Pages. 

[CMS-5508] - DTS Patch fails to update JVM security provider and policy

An issue was corrected in the patch where stand alone DTS services were not getting the updated java security providers when the patch was applied.  This security update is now correctly applied by this patch. 

[CMS-5471] - Percussion Cloud: When moving or renaming Pages, the automatic Redirect dialog can hang/timeout on sites with large publishing logs

This issue affects Percussion Cloud customers.  The automatic redirect generation feature could hang on sites with very large publishing logs when renaming or moving Pages.  This would slow down the move or rename operation greatly and the automatic redirect would fail to get created.  The issue was discovered to be a problem in a check to see if the Site had been published yet that was incorrectly scanning the entire publishing history of the site, and only displaying the dialog if the site had not been published yet. The check was updated to be much more performant in this patch. 

[CMS-5472] - Publishing logs could fail to load completely on sites with large numbers of publishing logs

On Sites with very long / deep publishing histories, the publishing logs could fail to load entirely, or load very slowly, when viewing them through the Publishing user interface.  The performance of the publishing log views has been greatly improved in this patch, correcting this problem with long publishing histories. 

[CMS-5486] - EMS Event Widget - Future Events Filter is only working for 1 week; Month, 3 Months, or greater return no events

The Show Future Events layout property of the EMS Event List widget was not showing events for any setting except one week.  The widget has been updated such that all Future Event filter options now work correctly.

[CMS-5440] - Incorrect sort by ascending / descending count in publishing log

An issue was reported where the publishing logs would sort alpha numerically instead of numerically when sorting by date or elapsed time.  This issue has been corrected in this patch.

[CMS-5517] - Admin: SQL tool does not allow insert into select statements

An issue was corrected in the administrative SQL tool where it would not allow insert into ... select statements to be executed.  This problem has been corrected in this patch.

[CMS-3389] - DTS: Secure Site Sections not working after applying patch / upgrade

An issue was corrected where the Secure Site Section feature was no longer working after applying the patch. Customer using the secure sections feature will have problems starting the DTS after applying the patch.  Note that after patching, two manual steps are required to fully apply this update.  1.)  For the site that is using Secure Site Sections, edit the sites root navigation node in the Navigation editor, select security and uncheck "Use Site Security".  Click save, accept the warning, and then edit the Navigation node again and check off use site security.  This will cause the configuration template for the site to be regenerated with the correct files.   2.) A full publish should then be performed. 

[CMS-3288] - DTS: Do not provide default Tomcat content in DTS root webapp

A security update was made to the ROOT web application included with the DTS to remove "stock" Tomcat files and limit the application to just a blank page and a robots.txt file.  This application provides no functionality in a Percussion install. 

[CMS-3416] - DTS: Remove default Tomcat Web Applications

A security update has been made to the default DTS installation where any unnecessary Tomcat applications have been removed.  These include docs, examples,manager, and host-manager applications.  The removal decreases the number of security vectors in a DTS installation. 

[CMS-5512] - DTS: Out of permgen space errors on startup with multiple sites deployed as web server

An issue was corrected where customers using the DTS as their web server with multiple sites could experience memory issues and crashes related to "permgen space error".  The default configuration in the DTS startup scripts has been updated to mitigate this issue. 

Known Issue List

  • CMS-5533 - Uninstalling the patch and then re-installing the patch does not restore the perc-tomcat-common-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar file which causes DTS and Staging DTS to fail to start. To recover from this issue change to the patch files directory and manually copy the file to the DTS server lib directory.

    cd <InstallDir>/Patch/5315_20190220_2/files

     cp  perc-tomcat-common-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ../../../Deployment/Server/lib/

     cp  perc-tomcat-common-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ../../../Staging/Deployment/Server/lib/

    After placing the file the DTS can be restarted. 
  • CMS-5294 - The Ignore Unmodified Assets publishing feature does not work correctly on systems with 2000 or more Assets.  We recommend that this option be unchecked in your publishing configuration to avoid publishing failures. 
  • CMS-3614 - After applying the patch end users may need to clear their browser cache in the CM1 user interface in order to see the new changes to the Rich text Editor and plugins.
  • CMS-3257 - Customers using the MySQL database server as the backing database for the DTS, will lose the MySQL Connector jar if it was previously placed into the <InstallDir>/Deployment/Server/perc-lib directory.  To correct this problem the MySQL Connector for Java may be installed or symlinked into the <InstallDir>/Deployment/Server/lib directory. Percussion does not include this connector as part of our installation due to license incompatibility issues.
  • CMS-3490 - Customers patching the DTS on Windows Servers will need to reinstall the DTS Windows service by using the "<InstallDir>\Deployment\Server\bin\service.bat remove" and  "<InstallDir>\Deployment\Server\bin\service.bat install" commands. Once the service has been successfully re-installed, the Percussion DTS Windows Service will start.