Image Slider

This Widget lets you place and add Images to the slider and this widget utilizes the Slick Slider plugin located here:

Below are the steps to configure the Image Slider Widget : 

1) Create a new page.

2) Open the Layout tab, select the Image Slider widget.

3) Select the configure icon to edit the Image Slider widget properties.

Image Slider configuration 

4) Click OK to save and close the configure widget properties window.

5) Click Save to save the Layout.

6) Open the Content tab, select the edit icon to edit the Image Slider widget content.

Image  Slider setup

7) Enter the details.

8) Click Save to save your changes.


Widget Style Properties

CSS Root Class - A text box in which you can enter a CSS class that you want to apply to the rendered content. The styling in this class overrides any widget styling specified in the theme CSS. Your site designer can provide you with the class name.